(Scroll down this page If you are ordering a belt without a buckle).
Shown below are two methods for determining the Center Hole Measurement when ordering a belt with a buckle.
I highly recommend you use both methods. They should equal the same result (or close to it) and is a good way to double check your measurement.
Method #1
To get the proper length belt, measure your old belt from the end of the buckle to the hole you use most. This is your "Center Hole Length" and will be used to make your new belt as shown on the diagram. This will make your new belt fit properly on the center hole.
You can measure by laying your current belt out flat on a table, and measure from the inside edge of the buckle (see ** for buckle diagram below) away from the hinge to the hole that you currently use.
If you have a Western type buckle or Trophy buckle, measure the length of the belt you are now using, from the prong (or pin) on the back of the buckle, to the hole in the belt that you normally use. Your new belt will be made using this length so that your new belt will be worn on the middle hole as shown in the above diagram.
It is important that the inside length of the buckle be included in the measurement. Please do not assume the size shown on your current belt is correct.
Method #2
ALTERNATIVE WAY OF DETERMING YOUR CENTER HOLE MEASUREMENT when ordering a belt with a buckle: Using a cloth tape measure. If using this alternative measurement, please check this against the above instructions just to make sure. The two measurements should equal the same result or very close to it.
Ordering a belt with a buckle:
Run a cloth tape measure around your pants through the belt loops. Make it snug like you would a belt. This measurement equals your overall center hole measurement which will include the length of the buckle**. This CHM is the measurement I need when you order a belt with a buckle. For example if this measurement equal 38” I will make the measurement of the new belt from the buckle tip** to the center hole 38”. The buckle length** is included.
Shown below are two methods for determining the Center Hole Measurement. The first method uses your current belt and measures from the where the belt folds over the buckle to the Most Used hole.
The second method uses a cloth tape measure to measure around your waist through your belt loops. This measurement minus the buckle length equal the CHM.
I highly recommend you use both methods. They should equal the same result (or close to it) and is a good way to double check your measurement.
Method #1
When ordering a leather belt without a buckle I will need your Center Hole Length Measurement. Your "Center Hole Length" for a belt without a buckle is the length from where the belt folds over the buckle (inside dimension)** to the hole you use the most. Again measure from inside the fold (not outside) to the most used hole. This is your "Center Hole Length" and will be used to make your new belt as shown on the above diagram. This will make your new belt fit properly on the center hole. If you anticipate a change in your waist size, you can add or subtract one inch from this measurement.
REALIZE that attaching your buckle will make the belt longer so you must take the buckle length into consideration when determining your overall belt length. Since I don't have your buckle it is up to you to allow for this. On Trophy or Western type buckles*** it is the distance from where the leather attaches to the buckle's bracket to the pin (a.k.a prong). A belt with a heel bar or center bar buckle the buckle the length is shown in the diagrams below. See **
I only need the "Center Hole Length Measurement" when ordering a leather belt without a buckle as shown on diagram above.
Method #2:
ALTERNATIVE WAY OF DETERMING YOUR CENTER HOLE MEASUREMENT: Using a cloth tape measure. If using this alternative measurement, please check this against the above instructions just to make sure. The two measurements should equal the same result or very close to it.
Ordering a belt without a buckle:
Run a cloth tape measure around your pants through the belt loops. Make it snug like you would a belt. This measurement equals your overall center hole measurement which will include the length of the buckle**. Since you are ordering a belt without a buckle you need to subtract the length of the buckle from this measurement.
This measurement I will use to make the new belt from the where the belt folds over the buckle** to the center hole. For example if the overall measurement is 38" and the buckle length** for the new belt is 2”. You would subtract 2” from the overall length of 38” to equal 36”. This is the CHM I need when ordering a belt without a buckle. The belt measurement from the belt fold to the center hole would be 36”. You would add the 2” buckle to make the overall measurement 38”.
The part of the buckle that adds length to the overall CHM
** On a Heel Bar type buckles the buckle length is the distance from where the leather folds over the heel bar to where the tongue rest of on the buckle’s front frame. See following diagram;
** On a Center Bar type buckles the buckle length is the distance from where the leather folds over the center bar to where the tongue rest of on the buckle’s front frame. See following diagram;
*** On Trophy or Western type buckles the buckle length is the distance from where the leather folds over the bracket to where the pin is (a.k.a. prong). See following diagram;
Additional Belt Measurement Information:
From this center hole our belts have two punched holes longer (at one inch increments) and two punched holes shorter (at one inch increments); A total of five holes. This arrangement gives you the widest relevant range in adjusting your belt. You can also request seven holes or more. Normally on belts over 50 inches seven holes are used.
Also from the last long hole to the tip of the belt end is approximately 4". Additional length may be added depending on the design of the belt.
If you would like any assistance in the measuring process, please feel free to call us.